Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Importance of an Hourly Computer Tutor Rate

The Importance of an Hourly Computer Tutor RateIn this article I will try to explain to you why hourly computer tutor rate is extremely important. It is worth considering that if you are going to be spending a large amount of time on the internet you might as well get a decent hourly rate.We all use the internet to do pretty much everything we need to do. This includes looking for jobs, banking, shopping and even using our social media accounts to contact people. Because of the popularity of the internet it is quite possible that you could be wasting some of your valuable time with a tutor who does not have a good rate for their services.Even when you are getting a really good rate, it is worth looking out for some of the other costs that come with using a tutor. Some of the additional fees might include things like international calling rates or even phone credit as well as a travel expenses allowance.I don't know about you but my learning experience just isn't going to work well wh en I'm paying hundreds of dollars for a class. I am a good student and I know how important it is to be able to learn effectively so I cannot afford to put money into that form of investment. I am much better off getting the knowledge that I want on the internet for free.In fact, if you have been thinking about switching to a college or university then I would be very surprised if you did not consider getting a paid study guide or textbook from your chosen institution to help you learn. There are many books available through the library or online, where you can choose the topic that you are interested in learning about. Using a laptop also means that you can study at your own pace so that you do not spend too much time on a specific topic.If you think about it, you are literally increasing your learning time by about 10 times, which is probably more than you are actually spending with a tutor. With the many advantages that you get when you go online and study at your own pace you ca n really cut down on your time spent learning and make it work out cheaper for you.I am sure that you will agree that this is just one of the many benefits that you will get from going online and spending some of your speed online. You might even find that you save money on tuition fees because you can always take up a study course at your local library when you feel like you need a refresher.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

how to cope up with algebra Switch to Algebra Tutoring

how to cope up with algebra Switch to Algebra Tutoring Mathematics is a tough subject and it turns out to be little hard for any student to cope up with the subject single handed. Mathematics is an essential part of your life through some way or the other. To build a strong base it is significant to have your basics correct. To get concrete grip over the subject, any student will need initial support and guidance. When good support accompanies the subject it becomes easy to deal with. In today’s generation, parents are very busy with their lives and so they cannot make out suitable time for their children. It becomes a tough job for the child to manage such hard subject. So, to provide their child with best guidance that will strengthen their child’s foundation it is important to team up with a quality private tutor.   Algebra Tutoring Brings an end to your algebraic problems Private tuitions contribute an external support for your child and help any student towards sharpened future. Once you admit your child in any respectable private tuition classes, you can lead a stress free life. But in most of the cases things do not turn out to be so. After providing them with private tuitions and all the amenities of their life, still the grades of the student do not climb up visibly. This is the time when you have to worry and think for the second option. The other option is none other than the help taken from the online courses that are found easily. Yes, internet brings to you the service of e-learning courses that helps your child in plenty of ways. In today’s time the e-learning courses are available from many newly emerged companies lending you these services. Today e-learning courses are available on each tough subject that needs a support and guide to know better. Mathematics, statistics, all science subjects and many more other subjects need an extra help. E-learning system confronts you with some of the best teachers that are not possible for any parent to discover easily. Tutor Pace, a new way of learning session that raises up to provide any student with the best learning help. Tutor Pace is an e-learning institute that helps in making their student much more enthusiastic about the subject. The e-learning classes come up with a long list of services of teaching diverse subjects with perfection and ease. Among the big list of many subjects, it also provides you with the Algebra tutoring service as well. Pre-Algebra Tutoring Learning experience gets a new U-turn Algebra is a part of mathematics that is very tricky and yet needs concentration, proper guidance and constructive way of teaching. It revolves around theories, geometries and analysis. The online service of TutorPace provides you with these services very easily and with its best efforts. Learning algebra is a time taking factor and thus it involves immense time for any tutor to lend it to their student for betterment. Sadly, in this fast pace of life, it becomes impossible for any private tutor to devote so much time for every individual student. But in TutorPace e-learning classes you will be taught according to your capability to learn. If your child is a fast learner then teachers will teach your child swiftly and if the student is little weak in catching up with the topics then accordingly the teachers will also mold their teaching sessions. It all depends upon the student to catch the flow of the subject.  For Pre-Algebra tutoring you need to keep some of the factors in mind and then move towards any online learning course. These factors are very essential as it boosts up the teaching pattern of a teacher and also makes the student to come in contact with a good teacher who will guide them to such an extent from where they will taste success efficiently. Good credibility- TutorPace has all good and experienced teachers that help any weak student to grip the subject entirely. The explaining and the teaching part are smooth and so interesting that students develop a kind of liking with the subject. The tutors are well educated and are closely related with the subject which they are teaching. It supplies you the exact remedy that you have demanded for your child. Online Tutoring Tools- TutorPace has the best and the right technology that is needed for any e-learning service. Students can interact with the tutor directly and clear their doubts easily. The students can clear their all the doubts very effortlessly. It enhances process of learning in this modern society. Assured service- this online tutor provides you the assured way of learning. It does not come up with any guarantee for the student to get better grades, but it assures the parent that the teachers will not leave the hands of the students until they perform well or till they surrender. Teaching pattern- The teaching pattern is very easy for any student to learn easily. They have a perfect style of teaching that helps any student to grasp the subject within less time. The most easiest and the convenient way is opted for the student so that explaining and learning the subject becomes fun filled and less tension is created. Algebra Assignment  Help- Tutor Pace removes all your worries regarding algebra TutorPace is one of the renowned e-learning services that are acquainted with such great features that will help you to develop interest over the subject. The teachers are experienced and experts of the particular subject that they are teaching. The teaching sessions are available any time and you can comfortably use your time to learn the subject deeply. The teachers help you with suggestions, sample test papers and all the other study materials that are needed for the subject. Even the Algebra assignment  help is also available to its student. The charges are also very minimum and so it becomes easy for any parent to invest the certain amount in their children’s education that results in better grades for sure.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Whats the Best Way to Learn to Play the Guitar

Whats the Best Way to Learn to Play the Guitar The Top Approaches to Playing the Guitar. ChaptersThe Different Ways to Learn to Play the Guitar.Finding the Right Recipe for Learning to Play the GuitarWhen you start out learning to play the guitar, you think that it's an easy instrument. You don't think that it will take that long until you know how to play guitar. You think that you can become a guitar player easy peasy with the help of various online guitar videos.And, yes, that's sometimes possible.But more often, when  learning to play the guitar, you're going to need to show some persistence and it will take time. Guitar skills, as for all musical instruments, aren't picked up in the blink of an eye and you won't actually know how to play the guitar in one weekend.Even if you're gifted, you're going to need to learn certain guitar techniques. If you're a true beginner or if you already know some basic principles - such has how to position your hand on the fretboard, the main guitar chords, or how to hold a guitar pick, among many others - there is always something el se to learn on the guitar, and that's what makes this instrument so interesting.Between online guitar courses, a personal guitar lesson with a music teacher, learning about the guitar through a book, an ebook, a DVD, or by playing with friends, there are many different ways to learn to play the guitar.The guitar isn't an easy instrument to learn if you don't have the desire to become a good guitarist. Desire is everything. Desire will have you learn any guitar chord or chord progression you want to play. It will take your improvisation all over the fret board. It will nail your guitar technique and will move you swiftly on to advanced guitar.Without desire, you can be playing easy guitar songs for the rest of your life. You'll never get the solid foundation you need to be a Clapton or a Satriani.But for those who simply want to strum a few chords and impress their friends, there's no problem. However, if you want to be the best guitar player you can be, if you want to truly master y our instrument, you'll have to take advantage of all of the options available to you.Once you understand the guitar, its capabilities, then the more you can train and the more you'll know how to play, it's as simple as that.The Best Way to Learn to Play the GuitarYou should understand that the best path to learning to play the guitar is not usually the shortest.A really good way to learn to play the guitar could be summarized like this: it makes the student a better guitarist, whereas a bad method makes him or her worse. Or, if not worse, it won't allow them to progress: they'll be on the same basic chords, playing the same level of guitar music, and they won't feel as though their guitar playing is improving.With a guitar teacher, for example, the student becomes a co-teacher, not waiting for answers to be hand-delivered, but finding them yourself, making effort, working on exercises, sharing what you've feel with your teacher.A good guitar student must be able to create a coherent vision from different reference points in order to become an excellent guitarist.With all of these methods, by practicing regularly, and by doing your best to progress, you should learn to play the guitar fairly quickly and with a solid base.In just a few months, you should know how to play any song and understand the music and your instrument, and your passion for the guitar should be richer. But again, that passion should be there from the first song and guitar solo you play through to the advanced arpeggios and chord shapes and progressions.Develop good habits, stay motivated, and keep up hopeâ€"no matter what your guitar level! But, soon enough, you'll get to know the guitar fretboard like a pro - and be able to teach guitar yourself.Playing guitar - and no guitarist ever stops learning how to play guitar.Follow Superprof's tips for learning to play the guitar by ear...

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Make the Most of Your Spanish Immersion Program

How to Make the Most of Your Spanish Immersion Program Suzy S. Excited about an upcoming study abroad trip? Spanish immersion programs are fantastic if you want to learn about a new culture and improve your Spanish-speaking skills! Here, Seattle, WA tutor Paola E.  shares some must-read tips for making the most of your experience One of the ultimate goals of Spanish learners who are committed to becoming fluent is to take the biggest leap and join a Spanish immersion program in a country where Spanish is spoken. Al fin! (At last!) The Spanish they are learning comes to life; they can see it, hear it, and interact in the target language wherever they go. An immersion program is incredibly enriching, however, it is not uncommon for teachers to receive students who, after months (or years) of traveling or even living in a Spanish-speaking country, arent able to speak the language.  The good news is that with dedication and a little planning, this can be avoided, and learners can take their conversational skills to the next level. Below, I share 12 no-brainer tips for those who are committed to making the most of their experience abroad. Before Your Trip 1) Take some Spanish lessons to learn the basics. The more knowledge you have, the faster youll improve when youre abroad. It will allow you to interact with locals from the moment you arrive (and therefore learn more Spanish!). You want to be extremely comfortable with numbers and the alphabet. You’ll be glad you are when you need someone to spell that ridiculously long address for you. 2) Get exposed to the language every day. You can listen to something in Spanish during your commute, as youre doing chores, or even while taking a shower. Make it a point to discover new awesome songs, movies, TV shows, podcasts, and learning apps (Duolingo is great!). 3) Take a Spanish pronunciation class or at least one private pronunciation lesson. This will save you tons of frustration by learning good pronunciation early on. This will also improve your listening skills. 4) Find a Spanish Meetup group in your area and attend at least a couple of times, and practice with native Spanish speakers and other learners. Consider this a warm-up before the real immersion. While Abroad 5) Get out of the Spanish closet, and use it at ALL times! Yes, at first, it WILL be exhausting, but do your best to stick with it. Itll pay off BIG time! 6) Write down new words you want to remember when possible. You can take a picture, write a note on your phone, or go old-school and keep a pocket notebook at hand. 7) Try to surround yourself with as many native Spanish speakers as possible. Some ways of doing so are: Staying with a host family. Signing up for a group physical activity like yoga or dance lessons (yes, even if its just for native Spanish speakers). These are great for meeting people aside from your Spanish classmates, and the lessons are fairly easy to follow. You’ll be surprised how body language compensates for the words lost in translation. Arrange an intercambio de español/Inglés (exchange) with a local Spanish speaker. This is a great chance to discuss the words you have been writing down (see tip #6). 8) Avoid the number-one enemy of every learner abroad: Do NOT use any language other than Spanish. If people you need to talk to can’t speak Spanish, minimize the use of English. I can’t emphasize enough that this is the best thing you can do for your Spanish. Every minute you spend speaking in another language is time stolen from your investment in learning in a Spanish immersion program. 9) Keep your part of the interaction in Spanish even if people respond to you in English. Some locals really want to help you feel more comfortable, and others enjoy practicing their English with foreigners. Resist the urge to switch to English. For instance, instead of asking Cómo se dice to have dinner en español?, you can ask Cuál es la palabra para comer en la noche? 10) Limit yourself to a small travel dictionary or phrase book/phone app, and use it only if extremely necessary. Returning Home 11) Don’t let your Spanish get rusty! Practice every day, continue with your Spanish lessons, and try to arrange an intercambio. If you cant do it in person, you can do so online. 12) Let your Spanish-speaking friends, family members, or coworkers know that youre learning Spanish, and ask them if you can use Spanish with them sometimes. Then, take the initiative, and ask a specific question in Spanish here and there when you both have the time. Enjoy yourself no matter what during the entire learning process! Spanish immersion programs can be an incredibly memorable and valuable experience. You do want people to help you by correcting you, so don’t feel bad. Remember, a learner’s goal, at first, is not so much to have correct grammar, but rather to make oneself understood and to be persistent. Happy learning, amigos! (Special thanks to Layton from Seattle for the picture!) Additional Resources  Educational Travel Programs ACIS Browse educational tour options, and check out helpful resources for teachers, parents, and students before traveling abroad. Paola E. teaches in-person Spanish lessons in Seattle, WA. She is a certified  Spanish interpreter, has traveled extensively throughout Spanish-speaking countries, and can speak three other languages in addition to Spanish and English!  Learn more about Paola here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  Jana Lynch

Find Yourself a Kickboxing Club in Belfast

Find Yourself a Kickboxing Club in Belfast Looking for a Kickboxing Coach in Belfast? Here are Your Best Options ChaptersWhy Learn Kickboxing?The Best Places for Kickboxing Classes in Belfast.Martial arts aren’t exactly the first thing that you think of when you think of Belfast â€" as it wouldn’t be when you think of pretty much any other city in the UK. Yet, whilst we don’t make that association naturally, maybe we should.Recently, in 2017, the Northern Irish team at the World Kickboxing and Karate Union won a whopping thirty-six medals â€" including eleven golds. Considering that the team itself had only twenty-eight competitors, it is really quite a remarkable number.Meanwhile, Northern Ireland boasts kickboxing world champions like Daniel Quigley, who held world titles in four different ISKA â€" International Sport Karate Association â€" competitions. He’s also trained a number of kickboxers to be world champions themselves.So, whatever you thought of kickboxing in Belfast, you should know that Northern Ireland holds its own in any conversation about the martial art. And if you wan t to get in shape with kickboxing, you’ll be walking in a tradition of excellence.That’s what we’re here to do today: to showcase for you the best kickboxing and martial arts classes in Belfast â€" and to hook you up with a martial arts instructor who will bring the power and elegance out of you to become a kickboxing professional.Let’s take a look at the options you’ve got across the city â€" from adult programs to kids martial arts, from fitness kickboxing to proper sparring, from self-defense classes to private instruction. We hope you find the option that works best for you!Find kickboxing classes across the UK or learn kickboxing in London! The things you'll need to make the most of your kickboxing lessons. AndreyBoxing Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KostiaBoxing Teacher 5.00 (1) £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LeeBoxing Teacher £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SajBoxing Teacher 5.00 (1) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KaranBoxing Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ThomasBoxing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HaileyBoxing Teacher 4.50 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidBoxing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhy Learn Kickboxing?The question why learn kickboxing? is one that will probably torment parents or partners more than you the one doing it.The martial arts â€" and learning any fighting techniques in general â€" have a bit of an aura of riskiness and danger. Undeservedly so. Because if you know what you are doing, there is really very little risk at all.The b est martial arts are not so much about punching bits out of each other as trying to better yourself â€" to improve your self-confidence, self-control, and self-discipline through a control of your body and a respect for your opponent. It’s much more about the grace, elegance, and precision of your punches than the ability to hurt someone devastatingly.However, let’s take a moment here to look at the arguments you can use to persuade your mum â€" or maybe even yourself â€" that kickboxing really is a great sport to take up. In short, it’s good for your health, your brain, and your attitude to life.Try kickboxing in Manchester or learn kickboxing in Birmingham.Health.Firstly, taking a kickboxing class will do wonders for your physical fitness. There’s no such thing as unfit martial artists â€" and if you keep going to your kickboxing training, you’ll find yourself in the best shape you’ll have ever been in.That you’ll get fit is simply not debatable, really â€" as kickbo xing, and hand-to-hand combat in general, combines strength and muscle training with intense cardio workouts, stamina training, and calorie-burning. It’s one of those sports that, in its intense dynamism, works on all parts of your general health.The benefits of this can’t really be disagreed with.Social.Yet, the benefits of taking kickboxing training are not limited to those for your body.Rather, kickboxing is an essentially social sport, demanding respect for your opponent â€" as well as supreme self-respect â€" and an ability to take criticism, to learn from others, and to grow together. Kickboxing alone is not really kickboxing at all â€" and, really, it’s just a little sad.The social benefits of the sport bring others with them: it’s good for your mental health, you stress levels, your life skills in general â€" and it gives an excellent opportunity for the release of all your pent-up aggression. The health benefits of kickboxing can't be overstatedSelf-Defense.Finally, the great benefit to your life that kickboxing offers is the ability to look after yourself in tricky situations. To learn self-defense techniques is not something that is only useful in the gym.To feel like you can walk down the street pretty safely is one of life’s great privileges â€" and is only really ensured by proficiency in a martial art. This applies particularly to women â€" and the desire for some to be able to handle themselves is perhaps driving the new craze in the martial arts in the west.Fingers crossed that we’ve done enough to convince you of the real worth of the martial arts.Find kickboxing classes in Glasgow and kickboxing lessons in Cardiff!The Best Places for Kickboxing Classes in Belfast.So, enough of the whys; let’s take a look at the wheres instead.Belfast is well-equipped with martial arts gyms and training centres. Yet, the thing you need to take care to do is to track down th e kickboxing classes themselves. With martial arts schools offering Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, taekwondo, Kung Fu, Krav Maga, Jeet kune do â€" and all other manner of martial arts â€" it’s important that you find the precise boxing class you want.So, enough, let’s take a look at the kickboxing classes in Belfast and a little further afield. We hope you find the one that suits you best!Take a Class in Muay Thai Kickboxing â€" and More â€" at ProKick Gym Belfast.After twenty-five years in business, Bill Murray’s ProKick Gym â€" or, as it is affectionately known, the ‘Home of Champions’ â€" is still going strong.Based in Wilgar Street, ProKick provides kickboxing training to fighters of all levels â€" from total beginners to literal world champions. Murray has been a world champion himself, and he knows how to produce effective fighters.From sparring for beginners to competition training, from casual self-defence classes to fitness training, there’s something for everyone â€" no matter what you hope to get out of your kickboxing.Students, Check Out Queen’s University Belfast’s Kickboxing Training Club.Students have always had it lucky when it comes to sports training. And when it comes to kickboxing â€" and Muay Thai, its traditional Thai ancestor â€" the same stands for students at Queen’s University.You guys have the opportunity to learn kickboxing without even leaving the campus â€" with a trainer skilled in the arts of Muay Thai and Mugendo kickboxing.Of course, aimed at students, it ain’t gonna break the bank either.Join Fighting Fit NI â€" Victory Martial Arts â€" for Kickboxing and Martial Arts Training.Victory Martial Arts is another iconic martial arts gym in Belfast, this time based on the Castlereagh Road. These guys offer a formidable array of martial arts classes â€" including kickboxing, Jiu Jitsu, specific classes for kids and for women, and separate classes for contact styles too.They’ve been going for fifteen years, and with their wealth of experience, you’ll get the skills you need to excel both in the martial arts and more generally in life. Different types of kickboxing have different rules - by the wayPractise Kickboxing at the Chum Sut Martial Arts Academy.Chum Sut Martial Arts Academy is a martial arts school that provides training in a whole range of martial arts â€" from kickboxing (STX style) to submission wrestling, from MMA to weapons training.They are a skilled bunch, and the clients they pull in are hugely varied â€" from the age of seven to eighty-one.If you want to learn kickboxing, you’ll be in safe hands â€" and you can try something totally new too.For Something a Little Different, Consider Concept Martial Arts Academy Belfast.The Concept Martial Arts Academy Belfast do something a little different. It’s not kickboxing specifically, but it’s jeet kune do â€" or the martial art that developed from the personal practice and philosophy of the great Bruce Lee.Combining aspects of Muay Thai, Kung Fu, savate and karate â€" all disciplines that are ancestors of kickboxing too â€" jeet kune do is the ‘way of intercepting fist’, or, as Bruce Lee described it, ‘the art of fighting without fighting’.It’s self-defence primarily. However, as a sort of freestyle kickboxing, it’s a great opportunity to develop your own martial art style.Find a Private Kickboxing Instructor at Superprof.Not all kickboxing needs to take place in a class â€" nor in the traditional training style.At Superprof, we facilitate private tuition, connecting students of all levels, ages, and interests to the enthusiastic and experienced tutors that can show them the ropes. Alongside kickboxing, you can learn literally any subject through Superprof. Literally, we say, because we have tutors of over a thousand different subjects across the globe.For kickboxing classes, you can learn wherever you want. In your own home, online, or in your local gym â€" with a trainer that knows exactly how to turn you into a pro fighter.Just search for the trainer that you need, get in touch, and organise a lesson. The first h our will be free!

Recipe Ideas for Budding Chefs

Recipe Ideas for Budding Chefs Cooking Classes: Easy Gourmet Recipes ChaptersCooking: How to Make Poulet BasquaiseHow Can You Make Ratatouille?How to Make LasagneHow Can You Make Couscous?“Cooking is all about people. Food is maybe the only universal thing that really has the power to bring everyone together. No matter what culture, everywhere around the world, people get together to eat.” - Guy FieriMany people enjoy cooking but your enjoyment can quickly become an ordeal when you start learning how to do it. Strawberries, asparagus, coconut, parmesan, salmon, goat’s cheese, shrimps and prawns, working out the ingredients that will make your recipe work can take time.Similarly, you’ll need to spend time at the market or supermarket to get all the right ingredients. Making a risotto, quiche lorraine, crepes, or tasty desserts takes time and effort.To motivate you, here are a few simple ideas to get you started. GiovanniCooking Teacher 4.83 (12) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HalimaCooking Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HakimCooking Teacher 5.00 (5) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors VincenzoCooking Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GinellaCooking Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ArronCooking Teacher 5.00 (2) £9/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoshuaCooking Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlickCooking Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsCooking: How to Make Poulet BasquaisePoulet basquaise (Basque chicken) is an easy and delicious recipe. As you may have guessed, the sauce accompanying the chicken originated in the Basque country. The sauce is the most important part of poulet basquaise. (Source: RitaE)The sauce is the foundation of the recipe. Locally, it’s known as a “piperade” and is made using tomatoes, garlic, onions, and peppers. It was also made using bread, but has evolved and now comes with free-range chicken. The recipe’s also quite simple.Start by browning pieces of garlic, onion, and peppers in some olive oil. Then add bits of peeled tomatoes. Cover the pot and let it all simmer for twenty minutes.  While you wait, cut the chicken if you didn’t buy it pre-cut. Fry it in a pan as you add salt and pepper to taste.At the end of the 20 minutes, mix the chicken into the pot. Add a bouquet-garni, some white wine, or stock.  Let it all simmer for around 35 minutes. This will let the chicken take on the flavour of the tomatoes. Your poulet basquaise is ready!So what do you serve it with?Many chefs serve it with basmati rice. This goes great with poulet basquaise. Of course, you can serve it with other stuff, too. Vegetables, chips, pasta, etc.You can also change up the recipe by replacing the chicken with tuna or scrambled eggs, for example. You can also add a few other vegetables to the sauce like courgettes, leeks, aubergines, etc.You can alter the recipe according to taste.How Can You Make Ratatouille?Ratatouille is a traditional Mediterranean dish. For a long time, it was considered pretty basic but is now enjoyed all over the world. The Disney Pixar film of the same name helped. Ratatouille is delicious and healthy. (Source: marijana1)The recipe is quite modern. Most of the ingredients in a ratatouille, such as aubergines, courgettes, and tomatoes, weren’t present in France before the Renaissance. They had to wait for these ingredients to arrive in Europe before they could create the ratatouille.Furthermore, ratatouille didn’t become popular until the middle of the 20th century.The recipe is really simple. Brown the garlic and onions in a pot. Peel the tomatoes and cut them into strips. Cook them on a low eat in the pot. As you wait, cut the courgettes and aubergines into cubes or discs and brown them in a frying pan.You can then add them to the pot. Add a bit of salt and pepper and a bouquet garni. Cover the pot and let it simmer for around 40 minutes.Now your ratatouille is ready.This is a summer dish. All the vegetables used in a ratatouille are better when in season. The tomatoes, for example, will be juicier. Try and ensure that you buy ingredients when they’re in season.You can eat ratatouille cold if the weather’s too hot.We recommend that you make the ratatouille ahead of time and heat it back up before serving it. It’s a good idea to make it the night before. It’ll be better this way.You can also change the recipe by replacing certain vegetables with others. You can always add leek, cabbage, etc.Just make sure you enjoy making it!How to Make LasagneLike many other Italian recipes, the lasagne (or lasagna) is popular all over the world. Who doesn't like lasagna? (Source: RitaE)But how old is the lasagna?The first lasagnas appeared during the Antiquity. At the time, the pasta was thicker and more like a savoury pancake. Bit by bit, the Italians started placing a filling between the sheets of pasta.They then started putting the chicken and other meats in there. Then the cheese came. Eventually, lasagne took its current form.Despite all these changes, your typical lasagne recipe is still from Bologne. People all over the world enjoy the blend of minced meat and tomato sauce of a traditional Bolognaise lasagne. Even readymade lasagnes follow this recipe to some degree.So how can you make one for yourself?If you buy readymade lasagne sheets, it takes much less time.Firstly, brown some onions in a frying pan and add the meat. Then add your tomato sauce or bolognese sauce.Make your bechamel sauce in another pan (butter, flour, and milk). Once ready, mix it in with the sauce and meat.Take your dish and add a bit of your mix to the base. Cover it with a lasagne sheet. Do this two or three and finish off with a layer of the mix. Sprinkle on some grated cheese and bake for 45 minutes at 180 °C. Ideally, opt for Italian cheeses like mozzarella cheese, grated parmesan, Parmigiano Reggiano, and take particular care when layering your lasagna with ground beef, white sauce, and bolognese sauce.If you want to make your lasagne sheets, you’ll need a pasta maker. This will allow you to make lasagne sheets. The recipe is quite simple: flour, eggs, and olive oil. You then have to run the mix through your pasta maker.Of course, lasagna isn't always served with ground beef, vegetarians can enjoy lasagne with spinach and ricotta cheese.As long as you have a baking dish, lasagna noodles or sheets, and some kind of ragu (from tomato paste, crushed tomatoes, etc), you can make some excellent lasagnes. Of course, the best lasagna recipe is when everything's made from scratch.How Can You Make Couscous?Couscous is a trad itional dish from North Africa and is now eaten all over the world. It dates its origins back to the 11th century. This is the oldest form of couscous on record. Couscous is a North African dish that's popular all over the world. (Source: pixel1)Couscous was made by the Berbers in Algeria. Bit by bit, the recipe spread across the Mediterranean coast. Nowadays, you can get couscous everywhere. There may be several recipes, but they’re all tasty!Couscous is often eaten at big events and family meals. It’s a symbol of sharing and friendship.  To make it, you can use precooked semolina couscous (which you can find in bigger supermarkets). You just need to add some water to your semolina.If you prefer fresh semolina, you need to steam it first. Generally, you need to separate the grains by hand with some olive oil and then steam them. Once your semolina’s ready, you need to add the other ingredients.Brown some free-range chicken thighs before frying them. Add some water and stock. Cook some turnips, tomatoes, and carrots in the chicken broth.  Let it simmer and then add some courgettes and chickpeas. You can also add spices if you want. Let it simmer for around 10 minutes or so.You can also grill some sausages with it.You can serve the couscous in a tagine with other ingredients alongside it so that your guests can choose how much they want.Couscous recipes are merely suggestions. You can add or remove vegetables and meats as you see fit. It’s up to you to find the right balance!If you'd like to learn more about cooking or learn how to cook, consider learning with a private tutor on Superprof. No matter where you are, you can find a private tutor to help you. On the platform, there are three types of tutorial on offer: face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, and group tutorials.Face-to-face private tutorials involve just the student and the tutor, ensuring that the student has the tutor's undivided attention. Additionally, the tutor will tailor their lessons and course to the student. Of course, the tutor's time comes at a price and while these types of tutorials are the most cost-effective, they also tend to be th e most costly per hour.If you're looking for something cheaper, there are online private tutorials. These tutorials are provided remotely via webcam and as long as both you and the tutor have a decent internet connection, a webcam, and a microphone, you can get tutorials from tutors all over the world.Finally, you can also get group tutorials. Since each student pays their share of the tutor's time, these tend to work out cheaper than any other type of tutorials. Of course, you won't get the tutor's undivided attention like you would with the other types of tutorial. That said, if you and a group of friends all would like to learn how to cook, this is a great way to do it.

How to Promote Your Music Video Tips for Singers

How to Promote Your Music Video Tips for Singers Suzy S. After youve made your first music video, how do you get it out there in the world? Here are some helpful tips for how to promote your YouTube video from Brooklyn, NY voice teacher  Liz T... So you’re a singer, and you’ve just made a killer music video, but perhaps you are feeling overwhelmed and not sure how to promote your video? Follow these simple steps to make sure your music video gets the attention it deserves! 1. Establish a strong social media presence In order to get your name, image, music, and brand out there, it’s important that you upload your content onto the various social media channels so people can see and hear you! YouTube is the most obvious, but there are so many more options. I recommend using as many as the social media platforms as you can to promote your video, including: YouTube Vimeo Instagram Vine (Instagram and Vine don’t usually let you upload the full length of the video, but you can do little snippets as a trailer or sneak peak!) We Are The Hits (a network for cover song videos) Your personal website Facebook Twitter Don’t forget other music platforms such as PureVolume, SoundCloud, and ReverbNation, where you can upload your videos too!  Of course, make sure your content is original and you own 100% of the rights before uploading. 2. Target your audience Now that you have your music video on all these great social media sites, now it’s time to start targeting those fans! Think about who you are really trying to target. What age range and demographic would enjoy watching your videos? Once you have decided on your audience, it’s time to build your SEO (Search Engine Optimization). SEO is all about your video content coming up in searches. This may sound scary at first, but it’s really quite simple. To do this for YouTube videos specifically, in Video Manager, under Basic Info, youll see a box where you can type in keywords to target your audience. Not many people know about this, but having the right keywords will help people find your music video among the millions of videos on the internet! Think of adjectives and nouns when you watch your video.  With my original music video “Ciao Bambino”, I added keywords that described the video, such as Italian, Boston, Berklee Alum, Breakup, etc. Having all the right keywords may lead you to getting all those views you want! 3. Make your music video/channel stand out In order to get a lot of unique views, you want to make sure your video is creative. Here are a few tips to help make your video and channel stand out: Include great photos, clips, and art to promote your video. Often, viewers will just see a thumbnail preview of your video, and if it’s blurry or not interesting, they will not click on it. Follow or subscribe to other singers, musicians, and artists! When you show that you “Like” or support their material, they are very likely to follow you back. Add lyrics and links to your other social media platforms, so your fans can follow you everywhere! The great benefit of online media is that you can have fans everywhere in the world, and many sites will let you track this to see in which countries your friends are watching your videos. Go big, and think global! If you follow these basic tips for promoting your YouTube video, I guarantee you will start seeing more views, likes, and subscribers! It may not happen overnight, but with a little work, you never know who may see your video songwriters and AR reps are always on the look-out for new videos on the web. Good luck! Liz T. teaches singing, acting, and music lessons in Brooklyn, NY, as well as online.  She is a graduate of the Berklee College of Music with a B.M in Vocal performance and currently performs/teaches all styles of music including Musical Theater, Classical, Jazz, Rock, Pop, RB, and Country.  Learn more about Liz here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo  by  Rob Boudon